Silver Story _____Since nobody thought they would ever be able to get to sleep after that, they all decided they would go to the beach. They didn't really have anything better to do so they might as well go to the beach. It was then nearing dawn. They stopped by Ben's house first to pick up 2 surfboards, one for him and one for Chris.
_____When they got to the beach, Daniel was still driving the car. At first he drove right out onto the beach, then thought better of it and drove back to the road and parked. "I'm not going to get fucking arrested again!" he said.
_____"That was so funny!" Chris laughed. "That cop was so screwed! He totally blew up! And then they made you sign autographs for their daughters."
_____"Yeah!" Ben said then laughed. "You just have the best of luck there don't you Johnsy?"
_____"Where? You mean Santa Monica Pier?" Daniel asked.
_____"Yeah!" Ben said. "I mean, first, you get hit in the head with a beer bottle... THWACK!!!!!!!" Then he laughed. "Then you get arrested for driving on the beach with no permit and no lisence! You must love that place don't you?"
_____"Ohhh yeah," Daniel said sarcastically. "It's my favourite spot ever. Really it is. I want to live there."
_____"Come on you guys! We're wasting time! Let's do something!" Chris said.
_____"Like what?" Ben asked. "The sun's not even up yet!"
_____"I dunno... welll... um... let's make a sand castle!!!"
_____"That's a dumbass idea..." mumbled Ben
_____"No way! This could be really fun Ben! Just try it, okay?" Daniel said.
_____"Whatever... I still think is sounds really stupid," said Ben.
_____"You just think that then," Chris said as he and Daniel climbed out of the car and went onto the beach. Reluctantly, Ben followed, seeing no point in building a sand castle but going along with it because it was too dark to surf and he didn't want to sit in the car alone.
_____Chris and Daniel dug into the sand like eager little kids. They did the best they could to get the basic foundation of the sand castle, then dug a place for a moat around the edge. After awhile Ben actually got into it and went to the car and found an empty can to put water for the moat in. While Ben was putting water into the moat, Daniel and Chris worked on the details of the castle. After about 45 minutes of hard work, they layed on the sand looking at their masterpiece.
_____"See Ben? Told you it was gonna be cool," Daniel bragged.
_____"Yeah yeah yeah... don't rub it in," Ben said.


_____"Daniel! Get up! If you are gonna fall asleep anywhere, I'd rather it not be in front of your TV! Either turn it off and go to bed, or get up!" Greg yelled. Just the the phone rang.
_____"I'll get it," Daniel heard Chelsea scream from downstairs. After a bit of a pause, she called, "Daniel! Phone!"
_____Daniel sighed, rolled over and picked up his phone. "Hello?" he asked. No answer. "Helloooo?" he asked again. Still, no answer. Then he realized he'd unplugged the reciever from the wall. He plugged it back in and said hello one more time.
_____"Finally. God, that took forever. Did you fall asleep on the way to the phone or something?" a familiar voice asked, he just couldn't place it.
_____"Almost," Daniel said in a weird tone.
_____"You don't remember me, do you?" the voice asked.
_____"No, not really! Sorry! Who is it?"
_____"Told you he wouldn't remember, Chris!"
_____"Who is it? Why are you at Chris's house?"
_____"It's Tobin!"
_____"Oh god Tob! I'm sorry! It's been like, 3 years though!"
_____"Yup! It has been awhile! God, you guys got really popular! You are sooo lucky" Tobin said, and then Daniel heard Chris hitting him.
_____"Yeah.... oh so great. Having reporters camp out on your front lawn... follow you on your way to school. Just awesome," Daniel said sarcastically.
_____"Ah man, I didn't mean it like that... I mean like, you get to live out our dream. At least it was always my dream. Making a living doing the thing I love most."
_____"Yeah, I guess. It has been pretty good lately. Since we've been on our break the reporters really calmed down. The worst was in between the albums. I had to go stay with Watson for awhile. I was seriously depressed then."
_____"Yeah, Chris told me about that," Tobin said.
_____"So, have you talked to Ben yet?" Daniel asked.
_____"Yeah! Actually, that's kinda why we called. We are all gonna go into town. We wanted to know if you wanted to come with us. Ben's driving.. and we'll pick you up on our way there. What do ya say?"
_____Daniel thought for a couple of seconds and decided he wanted to spend some time with Tobin while he was there. "Sure thing!" he said.
_____"Cool!" Tobin said. He heard the faint sound of a car horn in the backgroud. "It's Ben! See ya in about 10! Later!"
_____"Yeah! See ya!" Daniel hung up and called, "MUM!!! I'm going into town with Ben, Chris and Tobin!"
_____"Tobin is back? That's neat. Don't stay out too late, okay?" Julie called back.
_____"Okay. I won't," Daniel said. He walked to the bathroom only to find the door shut. He knocked. "Chels? You in there?" he asked.
_____"Yeah, just a second..." she said back and then she opened the door and walked back to her room.
_____Daniel went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He washed his face and went to the bathroom, totally forgetting to shut the door. He heard people walking through the house and laughing. As soon as they rounded the corner he heard Ben, Chris and Tobin yell. "Ahhhh!" Ben went on to say, "Damn, ever heard of a thing called the DOOR?!?! What if poor Chelsea came walking down the hall and saw this?"
_____Everyone laughed pretty loud, only to annoy Heath. "WILL YOU GUYS SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!??! I'M TRYING TO WATCH TELLY!!!!" That only made them laugh more.


_____Daniel walked in his house and slammed the door. He ran up the stairs to his room and slammed that door also. He grabbed a pen and paper and started writing furiously.
_____Ben sat in the car and thought to himself. "God, Tobin really turned into a knob! I can't believe him! I really can't believe he thought we would like that!" He drove off and got into bed. Laying in bed he though, "How could he have done that to us?"
_____Chris sat in a chair thinking. "Tobin? No way... how could he have done that?" He sat remembering what Tobin had done to them in town. Tobin had gathered a bunch of girls he had met all over town the week before when he had been at the beach at the restaurant he took them to. They all had come with pens and paper and cameras and made a huge crowd around them. They had to sign autographs and have their pictures taken for two hours. When they finally got into Ben's car to go home without Tobin, the girls ran after the car for three blocks before they finally lost them.
